Thursday, January 17, 2008

Holding An Old Friend

My fingertips have that familiar sting. This is the consequence of neglecting my guitar for such a long time. A couple of days ago something just came over me. I had the sudden urge to cut off my fingernails, tune my guitar and resurrect my repertoire.

It always amazes me that my fingers remember where to go. A few days ago, I tried to picture in my head how to play a G chord. I couldn't think. I could see the shape my hand should make, but could not have told you which strings to mash down. When I picked up my guitar, my fingers went immediately to the chord. Five minutes later I was flipping the pages of my notebook re-visiting song after song.

Which brings me to WHY I would even want to subject myself to playing a writer's night before my next birthday. You see, I haven't had very many cuts. Maybe 7 or 8 of my songs have gone on to have their own "life". But I have written close to 150. There are probably 20 that are near and dear to my heart. These are the ones I have learned to play. These are the ones that I will "perform" someday. I am not guaranteed another cut - ever. But I didn't write these songs just to have them sit in a drawer somewhere. If I can learn to play and sing them, then they will be heard.

That's all I really want. I want what I have written to be heard. It's so easy to become jaded in this town. So easy to become hardened and to stop believing. I welcome the calluses that will soon form on my fingertips, but I will try hard this time not to have a callused heart.


Brandon Scott Thomas said...

I love to read your writing. I am so proud of what and who you are. Miss you, friend!

Meg said...

I hope your songs get out there and people sing them! Keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

I'm proud of you....I love're awesome and your songs are amazing! Thank you for sharing your life with me! :)

hootenannie said...

Julie, I ran across your blog randomly (saw a comment of yours on my friend Cameron's blog).


I just moved to Nashville about 6 weeks ago to immerse myself in the writing that is happening here. And in this short amount of time, I can already see how easy it might be to become hardened in this city.

I don't know what I'm doing here. But I'm here. I came for an experience. I came to learn, to grow, to dream, and to allow myself to be curious, to engage in the wonder of songwriting, to hopefully become a better writer. Even if no one ever hears my songs.

It's important for me to write. I'm convinced of it. And it's important for YOU to write, too. Keep going, girl. And I'd love for our paths to cross sometime.