Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Aussie Influence

I'm supposed to be writing/catching up with my dear, Australian friend, Michelle Tumes, today. But she ended up postponing her trip to Nashville because the opportunity came up to write for a Disney movie in Los Angeles, where she now lives. I have not seen her in 5 years and had not heard from her in 2 years until she emailed last week. We lived together 10 years ago - along with my sister, Betsy and another friend, Elisa. In the last couple of days, as she's been on my mind, it has occurred to me what a huge impact she had on my life in just one year of being roommates.

1997 was a very tumultuous year for me. I had just turned 30 and was coming to grips with the reality of still being single in my 30's. My job as a music publisher was causing me intense stress, especially since my own desire to write songs was awakening. It was the perfect year to live with someone whose life theme is peacefulness.

When I think of Shelley or hear her music, I think of our sun porch and hot lattes and conversations stretching late into the night. I think of our dining room table crowded with friends, laden with beautiful food and really good wine. I think of how she longed for the beaches of Australia and how she resisted the pace of life here in the States. I smile when I remember her cousin coming for a "short visit". He stayed for 6 weeks! Because that's what Australians do. They go on holiday. They just take off work for a month or two so they can travel and rest and enjoy life.

Shelley also introduced me to her church. When I first attended St. B's with her, I thought it was the most reverent, accepting, peaceful place I had ever been. Now, all these years later, Mark, Syd and I have made it our home church. And it is still the most reverent, accepting, peaceful place I have ever been!

When I think of what a perfect day is to me, it always involves a bottle of wine, soothing music, good conversation and an ocean view. Sounds pretty Australian, doesn't it?

(if you would like to sample a slice of this peacefulness, I highly encourage you to go to iTunes and check out Michelle Tumes' music!)


Unknown said...

You can go to Michelle's myspace here

Michelle Tumes My Space

Good blog honey! I love her music and am sorry that we didn't get to hang with her and you guys get to catch up on life! :) Let's go to Australia!

Luv you!

Rebecca said...

Hi Julie! I found you via Cameron's blog :) You know how it is in "blogland".

I think it's completely brilliant (I get tired of the American "awesome") that you are a songwriter! That's something I've always wanted to try, but never have. I can't play any instruments so I think I get stuck thinking I can't write songs. Hm. I'm a singer, but somehow I don't qualify myself as a musician.

Anyway, my original reason for commenting - I love Michelle Tumes' music! I remember when her first album came out. I own it, actually. I didn't listen to much "Christian music" at all, but I found her somehow and fell in love with her voice and style. So happy to hear she's still writing & singing! And your description of your days living with her and your friendship is so lovely. Makes my heart ache for the day (or eternity) when we will have a great feast with Jesus and worship him and be together forever.

Sending love from Lancaster PA!
Rebecca xo