Monday, October 8, 2007

Pumpkins and Turkeys and Pigs, Oh My!

I did not wear my songwriter hat today. I did not go to my hip coffee shop, I did not pick up my guitar and I did not write a word of fiction.

I did, however, play 20 games of "I Spy", pet 3 piglets, 2 calves and a goat (we weren't allowed to pet the turkey - guess he's a little testy this time of year) and pick pumpkins right out of the patch. If you guessed that I went on my first field trip with Syd's pre-school class, then - you win!! For your prize you can choose between my melted jello or Sydney's dangerously warm diced turkey bites! Did I mention it was 90 degrees?? Yep, there we were, sweating in our blue jeans, jostling down the dusty trail while the unseasonably hot sun baked us on the too long hayride. At first, the 4 year olds were good sports, waving politely when prompted, at the old mare in the field and oohing and ahhing obligingly over the big, round hay bales. But by the end of the ride the kids were just asking when they could go home.

We had so looked forward to this trip to Walden Farm. When I first saw it on the school calendar, I had visions of turning leaves, crisp, cool air and a quaint picnic in the field. I pictured sweaters and jackets and maybe even mugs of hot chocolate. Never once did I conjure up flies and sunburn and little faces dripping with perspiraton. We did walk away with two mighty fine pumpkins of Sydney's choosing, so all was not lost.

Lesson for the day: I was going to think of something really profound to say here - something about togetherness and not taking things for granted, but there is one glaring thought that I cannot get out of my head:

Note to self: next time you go on a field trip in hot weather, DO NOT pack perishable foods for lunch!


Unknown said...

That is funny! Sounds like an overall miserable day....byt he way Sydney slept last night though....I count my lucky stars that she was worn out and we got a few moments of peace at the end of the day! :)

I love you!


Meg said...

Sounds like great fun! My daughter has a field trip on Oct 19 to do the very same thing! No petting animals, though. A hay ride, pick a pumpkin.... that kind of stuff. She can't wait and I'm excited for her. And you tell me she'll sleep well that night, too!? Now I really can't wait!! Sorry it wasn't what you hoped for, but you'll always remember it, none the less. Keep up the posts, you have a great style of writing. Very easy going and reminds me a little of Catherine. And that, my friend, is a major compliment I don't throw around:-)