Thursday, October 4, 2007

If You Can't Beat 'Em..........

Okay, okay, I'm going to start "blogging"! Back in the day we called it "journaling" and I wouldn't have let anyone read my private thoughts for the world. But, times have changed and I consider myself to be somewhat of a modern woman, as well as an aspiring writer, so..............

Here's what's on my mind today:

I had a birthday two days ago. I'm not ready to tell you how old I am. But it's older than you think. At least that's the most common reaction that I get upon telling people my age. "No!" they say, "you look about ____!" and it's a number that is a good 8 to 10 years younger than I really am. It's a catch 22 for me, because I am definitely one of those people who is getting better with age. I'm a late bloomer. I married late, had my daughter late, pursued my dream career late and most importantly, grew some confidence late! But I do appreciate the compliment. Anyway, back to my birthday. I had every intention of sitting in my favorite coffee shop, Sam & Zoe's, and getting my dreams and goals organized that day. I see my birthday as being a very important starting point as well as being a good time for assessment - much like New Year's Day. I ended up getting a massage - a gift from my envied-by-all-my-friends husband - which rendered me useless for the rest of the day. I am not exaggerating one bit! I met my mom and sisters for sushi afterwards and I remember thinking how much trouble it was to mix my dab of wasabi into my low sodium soy sauce! I could've put my head down on the table! After lunch I could only muster enough energy to wander aimlessly around the shoe store next door.

SO! Today is the day. Just 2 days late. Today I plan the next year of my life. But first I will look back on the year that just passed - rather quickly at that! In a nutshell, my life is GREATLY improved compared to this time last year. I have lost 30-35 pounds (um, it varies almost daily!), written 20 songs, become more involved with my church, endeavored to parent more meaningfully and have been on some fabulous vacations! On the downside, I have not touched my guitar in 6 months (I'm primarily a lyricist) and I have not written a word of fiction in over a year. All in all, it was a successful year. It feels like a good foundation for the coming year and all the expectations I have for it.

So, I've gotten my songwriting career back up and running. I am not satisfied with just writing songs. My goal for the coming year is to write more fiction! I will write 2 short stories and will write 100 pages of my yet-to-be-titled novel!

I will blog regularly and explore other outlets for my non-fiction writing.

I will play one writer's night by this time next year. This means actually picking up my guitar and practicing!!

I will write 3 songs by myself - lyrics AND music!

Whew! I better get busy. I've placed a tall order. And I'm already two days behind..............


Unknown said...

Awwww.....I love you honey...thanks for including me in your list of trusted friends! ;) I sure do love you and want all fo this and more for you. I'll do whatever it takes to support you.

Love you!


Belle Meade Mom said...

I am so excited for you! You have so much hope and enthusiasm for the next year.....just let them TRY and hold you back! Ironically, last week I picked up my guitar after 6 months as well......anytime you want to try out some songs I will be a willing and uncritical ear. Great job, Julie, it's going to be a fabulous year!

Meg said...

Julie, I don't know you, but I found this blog from Catherine Newman's comment section. I think it's great that you have so many worthy goals for yourself. And, congrats on loosing all that weight! Do you have any kids? Have any of your songs been sung on the radio? How long have you been married? Just a few questions to help get to know you better. By the way, my name is Meghan, I have 2 beautiful daughters and have been married for 7 1/2 wonderful years. Tit for tat;-) Great blog. I look forward to reading more!

Meg said...

Sorry, I'm so dense! "I'm a songwriter/mom". Uh, yah, you have kids! I need to read better the first time. I tend to skim and miss important words. Sorry, again!

Julie Adkison said...

You're not dense Meghan!

I think we lose brain cells when we give birth - and never get them back! :)

I have been married for 6 1/2 years and have one daughter named Sydney - 4 1/2 years old. She is a HANDFULL and will probably be the subject of future blogs! (I mean, I AM a Catherine Newman fan!)

Probably my biggest claim to fame (so far) is that I have a song on Jason Aldean's new record. It's supposed to be on the radio at some point......we'll see........I also have a Terri Clark cut, Point Of Grace, a couple things in films and TV. I'm believing my biggest days are ahead of me!

Thanks for asking and thanks for checking out my blog! I look forward to getting to know you better too!

Julie aka SimonSays aka Nashvegas Native