Thursday, February 14, 2008

On Writing

Stephen King is my new favorite author. And I haven't read a single one of his novels. However, I just finished his book about writing called "On Writing".

My friend Elizabeth had recommended it to me a long time ago, but I just wasn't interested because I'm not a fan. Or so I thought. When I finally gave in and read it, "On Writing" was inspiring, funny, practical and very, very honest. There are books that Steve hardly remembers even writing because he was so drunk when he wrote them. He describes the poverty and struggle and success and alcoholism in detail. Watching his story unfold, I was reminded again that there is something within creative people that is broken. Or at least within me and a lot of my creative friends (you know who you are!) We fight contentment. We often shy away from the light.

As I read "On Writing" I started wondering if maybe the ability to see the darkness, to write from it, is a gift. I think what I mean by "darkness" is just the day to day disappointment and angst of being human. The common struggle. In a fallen world. Darkness feels more honest to me and honest writing is, I believe, more compelling. People don't go around feigning sadness, but how often do we meet someone "putting on a brave face", feigning happiness? That's boring to me. I want the nitty gritty of what's really going on.

Well, that whole darkness thing was sort of a tangent. I wanted to tell you my favorite thing Stephen King said in the book. He said that great writers not only write a lot, the READ a lot. He reads around 80 books a year. Those of you who know me well, know this was music to my ears. I love to read. It is an obsession. Maybe I can now take it out of the "luxury" category! I HAVE to read. Stephen King said so.

And now I will start my first novel by my favorite author. Maybe I'll give you a book report on his new 600 pager, called Duma Key!


Unknown said...

Picturing you writing this at Sam & Zoe's is so cool! :) I love you and love the fact that this recharges your batteries! You are SO talented...and I'm not even being biased! I love YOU for YOU....and because your talented and HOT!!!!!

Julie Adkison said...

THAT, Ladies and Gentlemen, is support! I have the best husband in the world!


Meg said...

I have only read one of Steven King's books. I didn't even know it was written by him. I got it at a little book store about 10 years ago and it was written under his other name, Richard Bachmann. It is one of my favorite books and I've read it 3 times already. Throughout the whole book, I kept thinking, "man, this is a really good author." He goes into details that matter and never over does it. But, while you are reading, you can totally picture everything while you're reading. I would heartily recommend his book, called, "The Long Walk". It's a little macabre (sp?), but I loved it! Nothing to do with spirits or anything he's known for. He also wrote Shawshank Redemption. Keep reading and writing!