Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The Calm

As I sit here writing this blog, sun pours through my dining room window. Holly Dog sits beside me, nodding off as she soaks in the warmth. The dryer is humming, the kitchen is clean and I am at peace. For now. I recognize this strange calm. And it makes me nostalgic - peacefully nostalgic. That is, if it's even possible to be nostalgic about events that haven't even occurred yet. In two days we will take Sydney on her first trip to Disney World. She just has no idea what is in store for her. I am already bracing myself for the chaos, as well as the tender memories that are just around the corner. I am steeling myself for the stress of modern day air travel, for the absurdity of creeping sock footed through security with booster seat, stroller, computer and 4 year old in tow. I have been casually packing for two days. Don't be too impressed. It's really not like me to already be half packed. And it's actually working against me. The presence of the suitcases in our bedroom floor has set the dogs on edge. They click around nervously, following me from room to room, fearing our departure. But a week from now it will all be over. The Disney World flurry will be replaced by the Thanksgiving flurry. Mark's family will come to town and join my family for the festivities. It will be crazy with all the kids, but nothing does my heart better than having all my people in one place. And with Thanksgiving comes full on Holiday Season. Yes, I am thankful for this calm, this calm before the beautiful, frenetic storm that is brewing.


Unknown said...

You're very cute! I can picture all fo that and you're is the calm before the storm!!! Hurricane Sydney and Hurricane Holiday!!!!

I love you!

Meg said...

Hello!! Sorry I haven't written in a few posts. I know.... you've probably been loosing sleep over it, right??;-) Anyway, I tried a bunch a times, but couldn't remember my password and got stuck. So, now that that's out of the way.....

you're going to Disney World!!! We went this past January when my daughters were 4 1/2 and 13 months! We must have been crazy. But, I'll tell ya, it was one of the best trips we've ever had! In fact, we're going back next month. I hope you have so much fun. A word of advice that saved my sanity... don't fret about getting everything in this one trip. Sydney won't know what she missed. You can always go again and it makes for a less frezied feeling. We didn't even go to ToonLand or whatever it's called where Mickey was because it would have been too much. Enjoy yoursel and hav a safe flight!

Meg said...

I just realized you're THERE now! A little delay on my end:-) In that case, hope you HAD fun! Can't wait to hear all about it!