Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Stars Are Aligning..........In Their Own Timing

A friend and co-worker paid me a high compliment yesterday. She had downloaded Juliana Cole's record off iTunes and really liked the music. She walked into school yesterday and asked me, "What in the world are you doing working in the workroom if you are writing these great songs??" My sentiments exactly. Well, not exactly. Because I am thankful for the job. The little bit of extra money helps. But I agree with her in that Juliana (Jules will heretofore be referred to by her artist name - cuts down on the confusion!) is in L.A. and Phoenix doing gigs and TV shows and I am making 110 white paper barns for 1st graders! That's really just the nature of the entertainment business, though. One day you're waiting tables (or making copies) and the next thing you know you're riding in a limo headed to an awards show. It happens all the time. I have faith that it's going to happen for us. It's just the darn lag time. Or God's timing. I want it now. But there are greater forces at work that I don't understand. Maybe it will all make sense in retrospect.

For now, I am grateful for any good news. Last Tuesday, the day that Juliana's record was released, we found out that she was featured on the main page of iTunes. Mark says this is huge - and he knows these things. Two days later we found out that the record was charting on iTunes. Number 91 in sales out of thousands of pop artists! So, strangers are buying this record?? I only bought ONE - it's not like we're stacking the deck or anything! Juliana called while I was writing this blog. The show went great last night. One of those shows that goes off without a hitch. Effortless. And there were four music supervisors from various film and TV companies in attendance. The guy from ABC emailed this morning to say how great he thinks Juliana's music is. And then the TV show went great this morning in Phoenix. Everything is falling into place. Slowly.........but surely. One of these days in the not too distant future, I know we will get some BIG good news. Life changing good news.

Until then, you will find me in the workroom at the elementary school. Humbled, thankful and full of expectation.


Elizabeth McAlister said...

Hey baby, we are just like the Jeffersons...."Now we're moving on up"!
enjoying the ride with you :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, man, great things have come from that elementary school! : ) Not to be immodest... : ) -Sal

Oh! And woohooo! Awesome, Jules! And Jules!

Unknown said...

What your co-worker said is so true! However, God seems to have the timeline different than we all do.

Great things are not going just going to happen....great things are happening. This is just the beginning.

There's a joy in this journey...although it's tough to see right now. I love you and know that you're one of the most talented people in the whole world...and as a bonus...we get to love each other despite our shortfalls and parent Sydney together. she parenting us? I'm not so sure sometimes! :)

I sure do love you and am so excited about everything that is happening!


Nicolle with two L's. said...

Well hello my dear Julie!!!

I think the beautiful and promising--but sometimes scary--nature of life is that we're all in constant motion. Or on a journey, persay. We're all either on our way up, on our way down, on our way in, on our way out, etc. etc. And what makes it sometimes scary, but beautiful, is that GOD IS IN CONTROL of this. We are made by the One who loves us and set in motion by the One who loves us on a path created by the One who Loves us.

And I'm excited to see what the One who Loves YOU has in store for yOUUUUUUUU!!!!

Love you friend!!!